Guest Post – All Eyes on Me
by Leo Melish All eyes on me. No, I’m not paranoid I’m just in a leadership role. Whether you know it or not when you are a leader there are always eyes on you. Everyone you encounter, manage, and deal with will have an eye on you and be forming what they think...
44: A List for Lasting Impact
The Business of Storytelling
Everyone loves a great story. Action, drama, and rom-com alike, everyone loves a movie that tells an unforgettable story. It’s why last year approximately 1.3 billion* movie tickets were sold. Yes, you read that right. Billion. With a b. Movies are big...
In the Name of Being Honest
“So casually cruel in the name of being honest.” It’s a stop-me-in-my-soprano-voice lyric from the T-Swift song “All Too Well”. One of my absolute favorite songs by her. You can listen here AFTER you read the article 😉 The first time I heard it, it struck...
A Fail-Proof Success Equation
In December, I decided I need a change of scenery. Work scenery. In order to make this happen, I would need to get my husband sold on the idea that he, too, wanted a change of work scenery so that we could switch home office spaces. I would probably have to give up my...
Sales Lessons from this Election Season
NOTE: This piece was written on Election Day 2016. Due to the climate following the election results, I waited to release it until now. Regardless of your political affiliation, I hope you will openly receive the lessons and borrow my learning lens to use each...
My Valentine to You
Dear you, How sweet it is I am able to write this letter to you. You see, it’s Valentine’s Day, a holiday entrenched with flowers, candies, chocolates, cards, fancy attire, lavish dinners, and, most of all, love. But, I don’t give a crap about any of that. Bet...
Will the Real GOAT Please Stand Up?
Married to the Details
Last week I got married. It was the third time. Well, not really. It was however, the third time I’ve been shimmied into a white dress, and John has been suited up in a tux to play bride and groom. Only one of those actually counted. You see, one of the perks...
A Transparent Letter
Dear Friend, Last week kicked my booty. It legitimately put a whooping on my derrière and my spirit. First, let’s rewind. This year, I decided instead of making resolutions, I would determine a word that my year would be focused on. The word I chose was...
Leap of Failure or Fulfillment…Either Way
For those of you who have been with me since the beginning, you know about my trip last April to see Oprah’s Super Soul Sessions. During my time there, I was particularly struck by the message Cheryl Strayed shared (listen to it here). There were so many...
Bringing Strategy Back
You’ve probably heard the phrase “hire slow; fire fast.” No? Well, now you have. It’s a philosophy I subscribe to not only with hiring but also in overall business. I started noticing a trend in business, and it’s one that makes me want to go postal, just like...