Business Building Collaborations

by | Oct 11, 2016 | 1 comment

I’m sitting at my desk – exhausted from having just spoken at a networking event this morning. Or maybe I’m in a carb coma from the amazing pumpkin cupcake I just devoured. Thanks Nesha! Regardless, I’m physically tired yet mentally fired up. Let me tell you why

It’s not because I was able to share some of my story and insights with over thirty new people.

It’s not because I absolutely love what I do and that speaking puts fire in my belly.

It’s not because I sold the first fourteen copies of my new book, which premiered at this event. LITERALLY the books just hit my front porch at 5:29pm yesterday – don’t worry it’s coming to soon!

It’s not because I was surrounded by some of Charlotte’s finest entrepreneurs and business people.

And it’s certainly not because of the kind words I heard about my presentation.

No. I’m not mentally fired up about any of that. What has my mind reeling right now is the endless opportunities for collaboration I witnessed during the “elevator pitch” portion of the program.

I’m left here wondering, did these people see the same opportunities I did?

How to turn networking into business building collaborations:

  1. Get Clear. Before heading out to any networking event, I urge you to get very clear and specific in your communication about who you are and what you do. If you cannot effectively communicate your vision, ideal client, and how you serve others through your products and services, just stay home. Harsh but true people! When you are crystal clear, people will be able to hear you.
  1. Listen. Really listen to what others are saying in their introductions and elevator pitches. This is where you are able to mine business gold. Yes, sometimes they are boring and sometimes people ramble and go well over their thirty seconds, but most of the time, they aren’t that bad. PS…if you feel like your elevator pitch is a snore fest, email me and I’ll help you make it outstanding at no charge – . If you listen with the intent to understand what is being said you will begin to shift your way of thinking about others and identify opportunities to collaborate.
  1. Collaborate. Old school networking for referrals makes me want to puke. First, if this is the only reason you are attending events, stop it! People can smell your insincerity from across the crowded room. Second, most people are not going to refer people out to someone they just met at a networking event, mostly because they already have their go-to person doing the same thing. Yes, sometimes I’m surprised with a new person who does something totally unique but that is rare. Instead, I look at networking in a new-school way, for collaboration opportunities. Look for the other attendees who serve your ideal clientele and if you worked together in some cool capacity it would make a smart collaboration choice.

Once you get clear, listen and identify the best people to collaborate with, be sure to connect with them before you leave. Seems obvious but so many people just don’t do it. They inadvertently wait, thinking they’ll run into the person again or see them at the next event. That kind of waiting is what allows opportunities to slip away. The only person who ever made waiting cool was Barney from How I Met Your Mother, “Wait for it…”

Don’t wait. Say hello and suggest scheduling a time to meet because you see an opportunity to collaborate…and then follow through. If you do, you just may be surprised at how this approach will build your business further and faster than through those nearly non-existent networking referrals.

I write about collaborating in more detail in my new book, Bank Your Mistakes: How to convert ten common business practices into bigger profits instantly. If you’d like to get the new release pricing, join the waitlist here.