Bank Your Mistakes – Paperback
Mistakes Happen. #fact
Some mistakes are easily identifiable, but what about the ones that are not? How do you correct them when you don’t even know you’re making them? You’re in luck. I’ve compiled a list of the ten biggest mistakes I see my clients making repeatedly and packaged them into an impactful step-by-step guide on how to stop making them and start conquering them…now!
Stop wasting time making mistakes that are hurting your business and impacting your bottom line. If “time is money” and “one mistake can cost you everything”, my guide is going to deliver you the wealth of knowledge you need to increase your profits exponentially.
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Learning from your mistakes has never been so easy. All ten mistakes are broken into an easy-to-overcome format that will have you converting your mistakes into money, instantly! You will learn to:
IDENTIFY THE MISTAKE: You can’t fix it, if you don’t even know what mistakes you’re making. Awareness is key to beginning the correction process and this guide is going to make you painfully aware of the mistakes you’ve been making for days, weeks, and maybe even years. OUCH!
KNOW WHY YOU’RE MAKING IT: Somewhere along the way, someone probably told you, “You should do this.” or “Why not try that?”. What you (and they) didn’t know, is they led you straight into making one of these ten business mistakes. YIKES! (be sure to send them this offer so they can learn from the mistake they passed on to you). Almost all mistakes are well-intentioned actions thought to be helping your business, but in reality, they are actually causing a lot of pain to your profits.
UNDERSTAND COLLATERAL DAMAGE: Mistakes are like bombs, when they detonate they almost always cause collateral damage. It’s easy to see the obvious hurt a mistake causes, but it’s not as easy to see how one mistake can seep into multiple areas and begin rotting your business from the inside out.
CORRECT THE MISTAKE: This is where the magic happens! Once you know what you’re doing wrong, you can easily begin to make it right. Each mistake has a counter action that will reap you the business benefits you’ve been missing. You’ll gain examples and ideas on what you can start doing NOW to ensure you’re heading in the right direction…straight to the bank!
Why continue hurting your business without even knowing it? This small book delivers a big business impact and it’s all yours for less than a few fancy coffee drinks! BONUS: The book comes with a 100% guarantee of your satisfaction.
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