Hold the Applause

by | Jul 5, 2016 | 0 comments

One of my friends recently texted me this quote:

“Are you living for purpose or for applause?”

She thought it would be a great topic for me to write about. Thirteen days later and I’m finally diving in.

“Why the delay?” You ask. Honestly, at first glance I didn’t love the quote. Mostly because I absolutely adore applause, oh good gracious do I love to receive positive feedback. When I hear applause and compliments and praise, I’m living on a high. Hello ego, nice to see you again.

It makes perfect sense I would be wired like this seeing as my preferred Love Language is ‘Words of Affirmation’. I am self-aware, knowing I feel most loved when others express appreciation for what I’ve done through their communication. Words. I love words. Give me all the words in the world and I’ll live joyfully ever after.

After I put my ego to the side and took time to dissect the quote, I knew it was spot on. Thankfully, I also knew I could answer with a resounding “YES!” to the question the quote poses. Can you?

Let me break it down for you. As a professional speaker, when I’m delivering a keynote or training sessions, you could mistakenly believe I am living for the applause. While I love receiving the coveted standing ovation once I’ve shut my mouth, it has no bearing on the “why” behind me speaking. I don’t speak for the applause. I don’t live, in the time while I am presenting, for the applause. No, I am living for purpose, my purpose, and it’s a crystal clear purpose: to help and inspire those listening to my message the desire to achieve a better version of themselves.

What about you? How will you answer the quote question? When you are moving through your life, from day-to-day, action-to-action, are you living for purpose or for the applause?

So often, especially in this current technology driven society, people are living for the applause aka the likes, comments, shares, reposts, and double-taps. You post and then feverishly wait for the social-storm of applause to validate you.

WHY? Why do you do this to yourself?

Answer: because you are measuring your success based on these insignificant social metrics.

Please, wake up! Drink some coffee and open your mind to understanding these simple truths: Your purpose reaches beyond the computer or phone screen. Your worth and purpose are not measured in the popularity of your social posts but rather in the impact you make in the lives of others.

I’m a very active social media user. I love being social online and feel it’s a great tool for me to use to assist in executing my purpose. Disclaimer: I never post with the intent of positive feedback/applause. I don’t cry over cricket posts (you know these, their the posts which receive no action, they just sit on your wall so quietly you can hear the crickets, WTFaceBook must hate me!) and I certainly don’t shy away from constructive or negative feedback. This did not happen overnight but I am so glad I’ve reached this point. Maturity Rocks!

When you live for purpose, how others respond is not your end goal, but simply a by-product of your purpose-driven actions. This approach is one that will take you further, personally and professionally. It’s a beautiful ideal to strive for.

Which will you live for? Short lived applause or evergreen purpose?

Purpose? Yeah, I thought that is what you would say. High Five Baby! Join me please and hold the applause, we’ve all got a life to live for purpose.