The Little Barista Who Did

by | Aug 23, 2016 | 0 comments

A short and scrappy story of what it really takes to earn your dream job.

On a Saturday at 5pm, dressed in my best black suit, I walked into a meeting to a table full of books and a bald-ish, old-ish man with a red sharpie. There was Jeffrey Gitomer, world-renowned speaker, author, and King of Sales.

In less than five minutes, after the brief niceties, the following transpired.

Gitomer: “Have you ever thought of being a speaker?”

Me: “I speak everyday in my current position.”

Gitomer: “No, I mean, have you ever thought of being paid to speak?”

Me: “Well, no. I guess I haven’t.”

Gitomer: “I’m starting a new program of Gitomer Certified Speakers and I think you should be one of them. There is just something about you.”

The seed of potential was planted. I had never thought about being paid to train and motivate others as a profession but that is exactly what he was offering me. It was motivating, intriguing, and sexy. I was all in. 

He continued by letting me know that there were no open positions at that exact moment but he would let me know when there would be. I walked out of the interview excited and already impatiently awaiting for the dream opportunity to begin. I followed up with my standard, hand-written thank you card. A week passed, then two.


I couldn’t just sit and hope; praying and wishing for him to fire someone so he could hire me. I knew I had to make myself seen as a must-hire, not a wait-to-hire.

With a determined mindset and focused plan, I set out to solidify my new career opportunity as a professional speaker. I became a student of his work, reading his books and subscribing to his newsletter. Get a clue Stephanie, those are things anyone can do! It was time to step up and get scrappy. I took his content and made a demo video of me doing a training introduction aiming to position myself as a dynamic speaker, the kind he would HAVE to hire. I recorded it, burned it to a CD-ROM, put it in an envelope and mailed it along with all of my hopes, dreams and wishes.


I stepped up again by sending monthly email updates about my mindset, goals, ambitions, and dreams. I shared my world. I found creatively different ways to deliver my message and I refused to be forgotten.

Four months later and a few replies from his assistant thanking me for the updates, I still wasn’t hired. I was feeling deflated and defeated. Doubt had set in. Was he really going to hire me?

Opportunity knocked.

Gitomer was having a local seminar event. After speaking for an hour or so, he took a break and announced the audience could write down any question anonymously and turn them in to be answered by him.

This was it. This was my chance. I had sent the video and email updates, I was still studying his work, books and business. I was devoted, committed, and exhausted.

I took a piece of paper and wrote, “Are you going to hire me?” I walked to the front of the room, put the paper onto the growing stack of questions, and walked away; heart pounding with nerves and pride. I took control of my future and asked directly for what I wanted and believed I had worked for.

The break ended and Gitomer began reading the questions and delivering his answers. I sat anxiously waiting, not regretting my question. My breath hung for a moment as he read, “Are you going to hire me?”


Eight months, it took eight solid months of hard work, persistence, creativity, and bold actions to land the job that forever changed my life. The job, which laid the foundation, I was able to build my current coaching and consulting business upon.

Good things come to those who wait? No, I don’t believe that. I know destiny comes to those who work for it beyond what anyone else is willing to.

What are you willing to do to make something, you know will forever change your life, happen?

This piece is a result of working in collaboration with author, Terri Sjodin on her new book Scrappy. To purchase a copy and see my contribution, go here