Train Your Brain

by | Jul 12, 2016 | 0 comments

When my husband and I first started living together we had to settle a major debate: to put a television in the bedroom or not. Yes, it really was a hot topic. 

First off, I won. Let’s go ahead and get that out of the way. That is not the moral of the story, but it’s a fun highlight. High Five!

I was on the side of NOT having a television in the bedroom. Go ahead. Bring on the haters. All of you, who agree with my husband, raise your hand. Cool, now keep reading.

Why was I adamant about having a television less bedroom? In my opinion, our bedroom was not a place for relaxing and watching the mindless boob tube in the later hours of the night. Seriously, are there any quality shows on after 11pm? Beyond that reasoning, I knew the secret formula for sleep: training my brain for success.

I had, for years, trained my brain to be triggered for sleep when I got into bed. Which is why I can fall asleep, most nights, in under five minutes. I’m that annoying person who when my head hits the pillow, I’m out. It’s because I had taught my brain to recognize my “going to bed” routine. It goes something like this: wash face, brush teeth, get in bed, turn off lights, and BAM sleep occurs. A television in the bedroom would destroy years of perfecting my sleep routine. It would be a distraction and obstacle, something taking my brain off course. I would not allow any such thing.

As I’ve grown in my professional life, I’ve realized you can also train your brain to be wired for productivity on nearly any activity.

Let’s take my professional writing as an example. Several years ago, when I became my own boss, I didn’t have designated office space in my home, so I often went and worked in a locally owned coffee shop. I would sit at their coffee bar with my laptop, always in the last seat on the right, order a non-fat mocha with extra whip because they make it in house and it’s delish, requested in a “I’m staying here for a while” mug and write. I began training my brain without realizing it. After repeatedly doing this routine, my brain was trained to know, if I went to Cast Iron, sat in that seat, began drinking that drink and opened a word document, it was time to get creative and write. Guess what, it works. Every. Single. Time. 

How to train your brain for higher productivity:

  1. Set the Scene. Based on the activity you are trying to accomplish, you have to set the appropriate scene. For sleep it was the bedroom, duh! For writing, I chose a coffee shop. Think logically as to what you are trying to accomplish and find the space which is going to allow your brain the most focus and least amount of distractions. Pick a comfortable and familiar location or scene that will be accessible regularly when you need to accomplish your task.
  1. Set the Senses. Our senses are tied directly to our brain. The sense of smell has been proven to be one of the most effective memory triggers. A certain baked good scent or perfume can send you reeling through the memories when you get a whiff. It’s magical! It’s also logical. Your brain is trained through your senses. Whether it’s sound or smell or touch, you’re brain is connected as is your productivity. When I was in college, I studied to the same Kenny G album. I can hear your roaring laughter now! Thank you very much. It was what worked for me. The sound of that music would trigger my brain into a state of high attention and retention, exactly what I needed for studying. My writing, guarantee the coffee house music station and smell of espresso contribute to how my brain has been trained to trigger writing when I’m there. Whether it’s music or a candle burning, using things to heighten your senses will aid you in training your brain.
  1. Repeat. Over and over and over again. The brain is smart but it’s not going to understand you are creating a routine on the first go at it. It takes practice and repeated efforts. You have to be diligent in creating the routine and sticking to it. Once you do, it will be amazing how your productivity will take off. You’ll be able to accomplish more in less time because your brain will have an on and off switch. How freaking cool is that? Call me nerdy. I don’t care!

I have saved countless hours by training my brain on all of my major work tasks. From writing to video production, I have routines set in place to create a successful environment for productivity. You can do the same. Start now. Train your brain. Once you do, you’ll find you’ve created extra time for use, the most precious gift of all. How will you use it?